生命医科学研究科博士前期課程2年工藤崇文さん、構造活性相関シンポジウムでSAR presentation awardを受賞!
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生命情報科学研究室博士前期課程2年工藤崇文さん、構造活性相関シンポジウムでSAR presentation award(ポスター)を受賞!

発表演題「Regulation mechanism of agonistic/antagonistic activities of vitamin D receptor using generalized ensemble method」
生命情報科学研究室博士前期課程2年の工藤崇文(指導教員:池口満徳教授)さんは、2019年12月12日(木)〜13日(金)に熊本市民会館(熊本県)で開催された第47回構造活性相関シンポジウムにおいてポスター発表を行い、SAR presentation award(ポスター)を受賞されました
受賞者コメントはSAR News38 (2020年4月)に掲載予定
受賞者コメントはSAR News38 (2020年4月)に掲載予定
1. Introduction
Vitamin D receptor (VDR) is one of the nuclear receptors (NR) and an important target for drug discovery. For example, VDR agonists are clinically applied as therapeutic agents for osteoporosis. VDR antagonists are expected as therapeutic agents for marble bone disease. According to X-ray crystallography of other NRs and experimental results, the ligand-binding domain (LBD) undergoes the conformational change upon a ligand binding, and a local conformational change around helix 12 is key to regulating agonistic/antagonistic activities. However, since the crystal structures of agonist and antagonist complexes of VDR-LBD were almost identical, it is difficult to discuss the differences of their activities based on the crystal structures. In order to clarify the regulation mechanism of agonistic/antagonistic activities of VDR ligands, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations for VDR-LBD were performed.
2. Methods
Because of the limited time scale of the conventional MD simulations, the structure is trapped in the local minimum and cannot overcome the energy barrier, so it was difficult to observe large conformational changes. Therefore, gREST(1), one of the generalized ensemble methods, was employed for the efficient conformational sampling of VDR-LBD.
3. Results and Discussion
In the gREST simulations, spontaneous ligand-dependent conformational changes of VDR were observed, the differences of agonistic/antagonistic activities were detected. A typical conformation of the antagonist bound form has a similar feature to that observed by MD-SAXS hybrid approach(2). By using this method, spontaneous conformational changes may be captured even if there are only crystal structures of active form. In the future, we expect to be able to discuss the structure-activity relationship of VDR in detail by performing simulations on ligands with different activities such as partial agonists and inverse agonists.
4. Acknowledgment
This research used computational resources of the K computer provided by the RIKEN Center for Computational Science.
5. References
(1)Kamiya, M., Sugita Y., J. Chem. Phys., 149, 072304-1-11, 2018
(2) Anami, Y., Shimizu, N., Ekimoto, T., Egawa, D., Itoh, T., Ikeguchi, M., Yamanoto, K., J. Med. Chem., 59, 7888-7900, 2016.
Vitamin D receptor (VDR) is one of the nuclear receptors (NR) and an important target for drug discovery. For example, VDR agonists are clinically applied as therapeutic agents for osteoporosis. VDR antagonists are expected as therapeutic agents for marble bone disease. According to X-ray crystallography of other NRs and experimental results, the ligand-binding domain (LBD) undergoes the conformational change upon a ligand binding, and a local conformational change around helix 12 is key to regulating agonistic/antagonistic activities. However, since the crystal structures of agonist and antagonist complexes of VDR-LBD were almost identical, it is difficult to discuss the differences of their activities based on the crystal structures. In order to clarify the regulation mechanism of agonistic/antagonistic activities of VDR ligands, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations for VDR-LBD were performed.
2. Methods
Because of the limited time scale of the conventional MD simulations, the structure is trapped in the local minimum and cannot overcome the energy barrier, so it was difficult to observe large conformational changes. Therefore, gREST(1), one of the generalized ensemble methods, was employed for the efficient conformational sampling of VDR-LBD.
3. Results and Discussion
In the gREST simulations, spontaneous ligand-dependent conformational changes of VDR were observed, the differences of agonistic/antagonistic activities were detected. A typical conformation of the antagonist bound form has a similar feature to that observed by MD-SAXS hybrid approach(2). By using this method, spontaneous conformational changes may be captured even if there are only crystal structures of active form. In the future, we expect to be able to discuss the structure-activity relationship of VDR in detail by performing simulations on ligands with different activities such as partial agonists and inverse agonists.
4. Acknowledgment
This research used computational resources of the K computer provided by the RIKEN Center for Computational Science.
5. References
(1)Kamiya, M., Sugita Y., J. Chem. Phys., 149, 072304-1-11, 2018
(2) Anami, Y., Shimizu, N., Ekimoto, T., Egawa, D., Itoh, T., Ikeguchi, M., Yamanoto, K., J. Med. Chem., 59, 7888-7900, 2016.