
Open NMR

We are promoting the private use of our NMR to researchers in industry, academia and government.

NMR Platform

This project purpose is to form a platform for creating innovation centered on advanced measurement and analysis equipment and to contribute to the sustainable maintenance and development of Japan's R & D infrastructure by building a network between facilities including the maintenance and operation for research facilities and equipment that can be shared by industry, academia and government.

BINDS (Basis for Supporting Innovative Drug Discovery and Life Science Research)

The objective of this program is to establish an innovative platform to expedite the therapeutic applications of early-stage drug discovery and medical technology advances, by providing and sharing key technological infrastructure, including: synchrotron facilities at SPring-8 and the Photon Factory, cyro-electron microscopes, chemical compound libraries, and next-generation DNA sequencers. Specialists in state-of-the art technologies in the fields of structural biology, protein production, high-throughput screening (HTS) of chemical compounds, lead compound structural modifications and extensions, genome analysis, and in-silico screening, will support and assist the life science and drug development projects of researchers who submit their proposals to members of the BINDS program.