Structure and Molecular Biology誌に掲載された。PAD4は関節リウマチに関与するタンパク質のであり、得られた立体構造を基に、関節リウマチの治療を目指した阻害剤開発を進めている。
X-ray or neutron diffraction (scattering) analysis of biologically
important systems such as DNA transcription / recombination /
repair / replication / translation and intracellular signal transduction
is of particular importance to elucidate the structure-function
relationship of the biological systems in living cells. Our ultimate
goal is to understand the protein-protein, protein-nucleic acid
or protein-lipid interactions from the high resolution crystal
structure analysis and the time-resolved solution scattering analysis,
and to establish general principles for architectures of biological
supramolecular complexes to describe the physical chemistry of
these cellular functions. |
PAD4のX線結晶構造 (2004) |